Caviar, Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Greeted with a bit of bubbly before I had even dropped the few stairs into the restaurant's aquamarine sanctuary, I immediately felt effervescent, like I was underwater with fish tanks flanking the walls and blue-green tiles illuminating elegantly from the floor.

The Amstur Caviar Masterclass is currently an extraordinary October event at Emirates Palace to introduce caviar in a way that everyone can approach with confidence (contact the Palace to find out more about their caviar menu and this event). The excellent education and the opportunity to taste the flavours of the finest sturgeon caviar from Amstur, is served alongside a four-course menu from Sayad Restaurant. The chefs will certainly use their menu to inspire the entire evening as much as their flavors compliment the caviar.
*Andrea frequently enjoys visiting Emirates Palace as a media guest and on her own leisure time. This Caviar Masterclass experience was hosted by Emirates Palace and Amstur. The event was sponsored, but this story is true to her experience.
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